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Money is important, but how much do you need?

Money isn’t everything, but something with great importance. Apart from fulfilling our basic needs, money also helps us achieve our life goals, and build support. The things that are essential in the life of a person are–education, family, fun, adventure, charity and healthcare. Not only materialistic things, but money is also a necessary part to help you to be able to receive some of life’s intangibles like growth exposure, skill, talent, adventure, charity, etc.

The obvious reason-What is the importance of money?

We should never forget the Importance of money. With money, we are able to access the basics of what we need to survive. The better we are at earning, saving, growing and protecting our money, the greater the chances we will have to access the comfortable and powerful lifestyle. Money enables us to provide things for friends and families able to enhance their life with good education, up to the mark healthcare facility and a strong backup to help us achieve our dreams.

With money, you become capable to do good for yourself and others, and sufferings can be eliminated. Money definitely gives us power but never gives us the desire to do good with it.

The willingness to do something good for society is something that comes from a different place. You would have heard a lot of sayings circulating around the society about money–Some funny, or inspirational and others on pointing out the potential consequences. Some sayings you’re very familiar with it are-

  • Money can’t buy everything – Proverb

  • A fool and his money are soon parted – Proverb

  • A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart-Quote

  • Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants-Quote

Money can’t buy me love

Materialistic things are not everything or even the most important things in life. The value of happiness is far more important in comparison to money. The author of the book stumbling on Happiness says, “once you have your human needs met, a lot more money doesn’t make for a lot more happiness.” In this matter of concern, there are two questions that should be kept in mind on this subject.

How much does it cost to get the money?

Money is our prime need, but it should be kept in mind that money comes to us with a big price tag. The effort and time we invest in learning, saving and investing money take away from the time and effort spend on what we value in life, and so we must learn to maintain a balance.

When you question why money is important, the suitable answer for it is you get the freedom to do what is important to you. Whether it is about spending time with friends and family members or doing something good and charitable work or all of the above. It is about experiencing life, improving the world, and creating memories.

There are also some real-life examples of people with lots of money like athletes, stars, etc., who have serious spiritual and psychological deficiencies. Despite their wealth, they easily become selfish, rachitic and even alone.

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