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Six ways to help your child choose a right career

Recently, I could hear from a stranger about his wish to graduate his grandson from high school. According to the statement, he said he wanted his grandson to go to college and become an engineer. Being an engineer is a great profession, so without knowing the passion and interest of his grandson, he started imposing the engineering degree course on him.

When it comes to identifying a career, people are offered various kinds of awful advice including:

“Select an honourable career”

“Choose a career that renders you a high salary package”

“Select the safe path”

“If someone else is doing a job, so should you, Or if someone you know does not like a job, then you should not do that job too.”

We waste many hours each day, many days every week, weeks in a month, months in a year and years in a decade doing work. If you do the work you like makes you much satisfied.

Everyone should understand the Importance of education, why it is necessary to guide and encourage children in searching for the work they love. According to the article, 80 per cent of college students in the USA change their major at least once.

Students in their college days do not have much experience and inner consent to choose a career path that will best fit them. There are a few things you can manage to assist your child to navigate such decisions. Let’s have a look at these necessities of life:

1- Stop treating your children your own extension

Every person on the earth is a unique individual, so is your child. You children are not you. The things that may drive you crazy about a specific job is the thing that you completely love doing.

2- Assist your children to find out their passions and strengths

It is quite a good option to motivate your child to visit a career counsellor to take aptitude tests. These three tests might be helpful in identifying the right career path while redesigning your career:

  • Myers-Briggs test

  • Strong inventory

  • Holland code

After the completion of the test, you find that your child is interested in some career option other than the suggestion found after giving the test, that doesn’t mean you to quickly rule out that option as a career choice. A wise choice is to brainstorm to find the innate strengths of the child in that field.

3- Support your kid in finding a right mentor

Try to inculcate positive traits in your child. Search for a positively encouraging role model for your child. If you found the interest of your child in a specific career path, it’s your duty to let him find an inspiring mentor in that field. The attachment of a great mentor with your child may fuel the career aspirations of your child.

4- Expose your child to a variety of activities to know their actual interest areas

The more you prepare your child for new opportunities, the better outcomes you will find in the form of academic achievements. Expose them to nature, arts, science, travel, animals, people and let them identify their area of interests. Sometimes it takes time to choose a certain line of work as people dig deep to explore their interests.

5-Set a perfect example

Your every bit of moment is carefully watched by your child, therefore you too need to do work with a passion that you enjoy. When your children observe you chasing successes in career you love, they will realize that it is possible for them to get success in the work they love.

6-Always be encouraging and patient

Also, try to inculcate the deed of self-discipline and patience in your children. Let them realize that the construction of wonders takes time. Most often their wish to do work of their interest needs a long process of self-discovery and experimenting.

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