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What is the major difference between the eastern and western education systems?

With the inundation of Asian students craving to take admission in western universities, the fight for superiority in the culture of eastern and western education has increased over the past few years. According to the high-sighted defenders of western education, the west has an outstanding ability to produce successful professionals with a brilliant mindset.

Those who are confused about the importance of education in western and eastern countries, article will be helpful for those to understand differences between styles of both kinds of education. The effectiveness of western education illustrate low-rank test scores of much lower-ranked western countries, and highly ranked eastern countries in tests that evaluate the scientific and mathematical knowledge of students.

These two stark differences between two educational approaches make it difficult for students to get actual insights into educational level differences in eastern and western countries. The major point of difference between the two cultures of education is how students see their role in their own learning.

#Eastern Students

Eastern students especially view sheer effort as the primary way to do exceptionally well in school. Schools of eastern countries believe discipline is a key role player in the overall academic performance of the student.

Eastern countries are given equal opportunities and an environment of learning. This way, failure in academics also falls on their shoulders or is credited to their parents.

#Western Students

Both eastern and western cultures of learning incorporate how learning is seen itself as a means to an end. Eastern system instils moral value in education. In China, the tradition and environment of learning are inspired by Confucius.

#Collective Vs. Individual Perspectives

Students of eastern countries possess a great sense of collective which subsequently drives them to amass knowledge and implement such acquired learning or for the betterment of their societies.

Eastern country students are collective-oriented in comparison to independent counterparts in the west.

The western system focuses on individuals as the sole entity for success. Most often students are inclined to challenge ideas made available to them in the classroom setting.

What do eastern and western educational systems produce?

In short, both eastern and western countries understand the importance of education, however their way of imparting knowledge is different depending upon various factors mentioned here.

Education in both eastern and western countries are understood to develop different characters. Eastern countries produce individuals who give value to their education and develop a tendency to create an environment of lifelong learning. The western education system often views the individual as the sole entity for success, discovery and enquiry.

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